At, we are honored to work with some of the best recruiters in the business. We currently have 4,375 recruiters subscribed to our list. We vet every recruiter. We research their company and ensure they are truly recruiting for professional talent. We also help them classify their recruiter profile so they only get resumes of those job seekers in whom they are interested. Of the 4,375 recruiters subscribed, 3,105 recruiters are classified as "General Recruiters" who are signed up to receive every resume.
If you're interested in finding out how many recruiters your resume would go to visit our Recruiter Calculator. You can also choose to view our recruiter list by
discipline or by location. Yes, we actually show you the names of all the recruiting companies on our list! Check it out!
This page allows you to see how many recruiters your resume could be blasted to based on your discipline and location preferences. If you choose the Free Trial, you will be able to select up to 3 disciplines and 3 locations. The Fast Blast allows unlimited disciplines and location selections.
Give it a try!
Recruiter Counts include general recruiters who register to receive resumes for every discipline and location.
Recruiter Counts include general recruiters who register to receive resumes for every discipline and location.
This service is a good way for the prospective client to expand his or her horizons, not only in looking for a career, but also to find out what the trends in the job market are. I have received numerous contacts since using the the service and while... [More]
More testimonialsI was so impressed with this service that I wrote about it in my monthly column. This is really the only way for a job hunter to get the attention of that all important resource: the professional recruiter.
More testimonialsThis is probably the best job search service on the internet. Both my husband and I blasted our resumes and received numerous inquiries and several interviews. Although we are still looking the service allows you to better understand the job market, ... [More]
More testimonialsThis service has been a blessing. I received about 7 calls and at least 8 emails within the first 3 days of the blast. I had offers from 4 companies for an interview. I was offered a job as a direct result of the blast after one of my interviews. My ... [More]
More testimonialsI was a little skeptical at first but was so frustrated with the traditional approach that I decided to go forward with the service. It was an exceptional experience. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of recruiter contacts I received. I landed... [More]
More testimonialsI was pleasantly surprised to see the number of recruiters that replied to my resume posting immediately. I have had contact with at least fifty individuals and my search has broadened significantly. Thanks.
More testimonialsAs a senior manager looking to make a change I was skeptical that blasting my resume would work for me. Boy was I wrong! Within the first week of signing up I received at least 35 calls from recruiters, 10 phone interviews with hiring companies, 6 on... [More]
More testimonialsI found your service to be useful. I received about 15 leads, several of which led to interviews. While I didn't find my job through your service (got a lead from a recruiter I knew), I did like the results.
More testimonialsHey, you have the BEST idea out there for resumes. My time is valuable and I never could have physically stuffed that many envelopes and paid the postage to contact that many recruiters who actually wanted to see my resume!!!!!!!! I have given your a... [More]
More testimonialsI recieved approx. 10 responses, most of them within couple of days after my resume was blasted. No interview yet. I'm satisfied with the service and follow up for comparatively smaller amount of money paid.
More testimonials