I happened upon this service one day as I was posting my current resume. It is the greatest chance encounter I have had. They successfully blasted my way to a wonderful new position and a lot of new business contacts throughout the country. They open... [More]
More testimonialsI am completely overwhelmed at the response that I received. On day one, I received 58 email's and five phone calls. That is truly amazing. Keep up the excellent work.
More testimonialsThe day my resume was blasted I received over 20 phone calls. I eventually received over 50 calls within a few days, and within 3 weeks I have accepted an offer resulting from a call on that first day! SIGN UP NOW! It's the best money you've ever spe... [More]
More testimonialsI had almost given up hopes of finding a job back in the States, after being overseas for three years. I have been on several assignments in several countries, and the long-distance web searches turned up nothing positive for over a year. I used your... [More]
More testimonialsI recieved approx. 10 responses, most of them within couple of days after my resume was blasted. No interview yet. I'm satisfied with the service and follow up for comparatively smaller amount of money paid.
More testimonialsI sent out my resume a little over two weeks ago, and I've been contacted...to date...by over 40 recruiters. I feel it has given me a much wider coverage of the industry than I could possibly get on my own, well worth the cost…
More testimonialsThis is probably the best job search service on the internet. Both my husband and I blasted our resumes and received numerous inquiries and several interviews. Although we are still looking the service allows you to better understand the job market, ... [More]
More testimonialsThis service has been a blessing. I received about 7 calls and at least 8 emails within the first 3 days of the blast. I had offers from 4 companies for an interview. I was offered a job as a direct result of the blast after one of my interviews. My ... [More]
More testimonialsWithin days of using the service I had a number of interested recruiters call. Over a two week period I would estimate that I had 15+ inquiries. I have just returned home from a 5th interview (with one company) as a result of those calls. I expect th... [More]
More testimonialsWithin one half hour of the Blast going out, I received over 60 e-mails and follow up phone calls. I now have two each three inch binders full of contacts and job opportunities. I am now concentrating on the best of three offers right here in my city... [More]
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