Within one half hour of the Blast going out, I received over 60 e-mails and follow up phone calls. I now have two each three inch binders full of contacts and job opportunities. I am now concentrating on the best of three offers right here in my city... [More]
More testimonialsSince you blasted my resume, I have received 11 e-mails and 5 phone calls. I have been offered positions in nearly every area of the US. The money I spent was well worth it and I thank you.
More testimonialsI happened upon this service one day as I was posting my current resume. It is the greatest chance encounter I have had. They successfully blasted my way to a wonderful new position and a lot of new business contacts throughout the country. They open... [More]
More testimonialsThe system really worked well, as soon as they blasted my resume out over the network I received 12 phone calls and 8 e-mails the first day. The second day I received about 20 phone calls from headhunter organizations, and 15 e-mail messages. It has ... [More]
More testimonialsThe day my resume was blasted I received over 20 phone calls. I eventually received over 50 calls within a few days, and within 3 weeks I have accepted an offer resulting from a call on that first day! SIGN UP NOW! It's the best money you've ever spe... [More]
More testimonialsI was pleasantly surprised to see the number of recruiters that replied to my resume posting immediately. I have had contact with at least fifty individuals and my search has broadened significantly. Thanks.
More testimonialsThe price was nominal, I gave it a shot. Within 3 days of the blast, I got 6 calls. As of 3 weeks later, I have had 12 telephone interviews and 4 face to face interviews. The question is which position I will take.... The calls were from all over the... [More]
More testimonialsI have received several good responses to the e-mailing. None have resulted in interviews...yet. I will keep you posted. I was surprised to get as many responses as I did. Your service does get the word out.
More testimonialsThis service has been a blessing. I received about 7 calls and at least 8 emails within the first 3 days of the blast. I had offers from 4 companies for an interview. I was offered a job as a direct result of the blast after one of my interviews. My ... [More]
More testimonialsI was a little reluctant to have my resume sent to "unknown" search firms at first. But I found the process to be easy and I got an outstanding response. The response developed into 5-6 firms that I have continued to work with. Even if you are workin... [More]
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