How does the FREE Trial work?

Risk Free

Our free trial offers you the opportunity to blast your resume risk free. We are certain you will love our service that we will blast your resume to 50 recruiters every day, for 7 days, free of charge. After that, we will charge you only $15 $10.50 per week to continue blasting your resume to 50 recruiters per day.

Use Only What You Need

Job searching sucks, right? Well, it takes some people 3-6 months to find a job. Others may find a job in a few weeks. Our FREE trial not only allows you to try our service, but also enables you to end it as soon as you get a job. This can keep your cost down while still jump starting your job search. And, if you are one of those who are unfortunate to be in a long job hunt, our service will keep exposing you to more recruiters, week after week. And, if we get through all 5,000+ of our recruiters, we will continue sending your resume out again to those recruiters as we all know, multiple touches over time are key to making contact.

Who is Blast Your

We're #1 was founded by the ORIGINAL creators of the PREMIERE Resume Distribution Service on the Internet. Don't Be Fooled by Imitators!

Developed by Former Headhunters

We have built an Automated Resume Distribution System (ARDS) that "blasts" your resume to over 5,000+ recruiters located throughout the U.S. If they're interested in you for any of their positions, they will contact you directly. We even provide SMS notifications for when they view your resume so YOU can follow up with THEM directly!

Maximum Exposure & Extreme Value

So let's say you want to send your resume to 50 recruiters a day. It would take you about 2 1/2 hours EVERY DAY to find a recruiter's website, get their e-mail address, and e-mail them your resume. And if you wanted to send it to 5,000 recruiters, that would take you a full month, sending out resumes 8 hours a day every day (including weekends!). And that's all assuming that you don't get shut down for spamming by your E-Mail provider. If you use one of the free email providers on the Internet, they won't let you send that many e-mails at once. This is extreme value with maximum exposure! Our Sign Up process only takes about 5 minutes.

What are my options?

Need More Details?
When you choose our Free Trial Blast, you can try out our service with no risk. Once you register, we will send your resume out to 50 recruiters every day. You can choose to receive daily status reports on not only how many recruiters we have sent your resume to, but also how many recruiters have opened your resume! In fact, we even provide you with the phone number for each recruiter who opens your resume, so you can follow up at your convenience. Also, we don't just send your resume to ANY recruiter. We only send to validated recruiters and you can choose up to 3 disciplines and 3 locations. You can pause and restart your blast at your convenience, update your resume anytime, and of course, you can cancel at any time as well.

  • No Risk!
  • Minimum of 350 Recruiters Guaranteed FREE!
  • 50 Recruiters Every Day
  • Get Notified When Recruiters Open Your Resume
  • Match Recruiters with up to 3 Disciplines
  • Match Recruiters with up to 3 Locations
  • Phone Numbers of Recruiters Who Open Your Resume
  • Pause and Restart Blast at Your Convenience
  • Update Resume Anytime
  • Cancel Easily Anytime
  • Weekly Status Reports
  • Cost per Recruiter: $0.03
If you are ready to kick it up a notch and get your resume out to over 5,000 recruiters in the next few days, then the Fast Blast is for you. For a one-time fee of only $137  $95.90, we will send your resume out within 1-3 days. While you cannot change your resume after it is sent, we will always offer a re-blast option for only $49, if needed. We will also send you weekly status reports via E-Mail so you can stay up to date on any future recruiter activity.

  • Kick Start Your Job Search
  • Increase Your Reach Instantly
  • Get Immediate Feedback
  • One-Time Fee
  • Distribution to at least 3,105 recruiters (more when your filters match!)
  • Resumes Sent Within 1-3 days
  • Get Notified When Recruiters Open Your Resume
  • Match Recruiters with Unlimited Disciplines
  • Match Recruiters with Unlimited Locations
  • Phone Numbers of Recruiters Who Open Your Resume
  • Pause and Restart Blast at Your Convenience
  • Update Resume Anytime
  • Weekly Status Reports
  • Cancel Any Time Easily
  • Cost per Recruiter: As low as $0.03

Why isn't this service FREE?

We do offer a FREE Trial, but after a week, the charge is $15 $10.50 per week. is an online resume distribution service. You can spend hours and hours painstakingly searching out recruiters on LinkedIn or POST your resume on the Internet into a database for free and pray a recruiter will find you. The most significant difference with is that your resume does not get posted to a database where recruiters can "happen" across it (IF they happen to enter the right search terms AND you are one of the first 10 or so listed). That's a passive job search! Instead, be PRO-ACTIVE and blast your resume DIRECTLY to recruiters!

Of course, you could work LinkedIn, tracking down over 5,000 recruiters manually and hoping they will accept your invitation. But who has the time for that? Really??? sends your resume and profile DIRECTLY to recruiters' e-mail inboxes, saving BOTH you and the recruiter TIME!! This way, you only spend YOUR precious time talking to recruiters, setting up interviews, and hopefully landing that perfect job you've always dreamed of.

Remember this: A passive job search MAY get your resume to recruiters, but an active job search WILL get your resume to recruiters.

Where does my resume go?

Hundreds, if not over a thousand Recruiters!

Currently, we have 4,375 registered recruiters. Your resume is sent ONLY to recruiters who are subscribed to our resume distribution service. These recruiters are looking for resumes every day and anxiously wait to see their inbox fill up with hot, fresh resumes of job seekers serious about their job search. In addition to recruiters who want every resume, also send your resume to each recruiter that matches your discipline and location preferences.

Find out more about our Recruiters!

Blast Your Resume Now

How does the process work?

It only takes a few steps...

Step 1    Choose your service

Go to our Sign Up page and choose either our FREE Trial or, if you're ready to ramp up your job search immediately, our Fast Blast. You can find out more about your options on our services & pricing page. We provide a Recruiter List which enables you to see a list of the recruiters to whom we send your resume, when they open the email or view your resume.

Step 2    Fill out Registration Form

On this step you provide your contact details, in addition to specifying a subject line for your blast and a short summary for the blast e-mail. In addition, you will be able to choose the disciplines and locations that match your preferences and, finally, upload your resume.

Step 3    Activate Your Blast

If you chose the Free Trial, you simply click a button to activate your trial. You will need to provide a valid credit card, but we will not charge your card unless you continue your subscription on day 8. The first 7 days are FREE! If you chose the Fast Blast, this is the step where you will pay for the blast.

Step 4    Our Review

Once you activate your trial or pay for your Fast Blast, we will do a manual review of your resume. This can happen right away, or may take a few hours. Either way, you will receive an email or SMS notifcation (if you opt in) letting you know your resume has been reviewed and is now queued to be blasted. We only blast during business hours to improve higher response rates.

Step 5    Monitor Blast & Follow Up

Our Job Seeker Dashboard provides you with analytics tracking the number of recruiters to whom your resume has been sent, how many opened the email, and how many clicked on the resume view link. In addition, we provide you with the recruiter details for those who view your resume. You will find the recruiting firm's name, the date and time they viewed your resume, the recruiter's name (if they provided it) and their phone number. There is also a link to their website. This enables you to follow up with those recruiters as you see fit.

Step 6    Respond to Recruiters

Recruiters may start responding as soon as your blast starts, or it may take some time. Either way, be prepared to get E-Mail responses or telephone calls. Timing is everything so it all depends on the recruiter's needs at the time of your blast. Some recruiters may contact you weeks later. In any case, we highly recommend that you connect with any recruiters who respond on LinkedIn and maintain the relationship regardless of their current needs. One day they may need someone just like you! And if you get contacts from locations you did not choose, remember that many recruiters recruit nationally!

Blast Your Resume Now

When should I get started?

There's no better time than the present. Below are some of the questions you should ask yourself. If you answer yes to any of these questions, then NOW IS THE TIME to use

Are you currently looking for a job?

Are you unemployed?

Do you just want to find out what you might be worth?

Do you want to see if there's a better job out there for YOU?

Do you have a resume?

Let's Get Started!


Blast Your Resume Now

MORE Questions...

Still have more questions? No problem! We've compiled an extensive list of questions on our Frequently Asked Questions page. And if you still can't find the answer to your question, you can call us, toll-free, at 877-245-4921!

Blast Your Resume Now


What real people are saying about blasting their resume!

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